Coaching Return on Investment (ROI)

Coaching Return on Investment (ROI)

Modern-day organizations actively explore diverse strategies to empower top talent to reach their full potential.  Still some organizations and leaders do not invest in coaching.  Why? I’ve found the organizations that don’t pursue coaching do so for two reasons: either a strong desire for guaranteed results, or because of a lack of education around what could be gained from coaching.  In this insight article I will address both by first exploring what research suggests organizations can expect from their coaching investments.  Next, I will provide readers with a means to assess the gains for themselves.  Finally, I’ll end with how our organization, CYP Coaching & Consulting, is uniquely equipped to be a trusted coaching partner that delivers results. 

Building the Bonds of Trust

Building the Bonds of Trust

Since the “Great Resignation” organizations and government agencies have recognized a pattern with increasing employee turnover—attributed to quitting as opposed to layoffs or discharges (Akinyooye & Nezamis, 2021). Companies are paying more attention to voluntary employee turnover because of the impact it has had since the covid-19 pandemic. Some organizations have responded by charging taskforces, creating employee turnover data dashboards, and committing to retain and engage talented employees; but, as Dr. John Townsend of the Townsend Institute for Leadership and Executive Coaching (2022) contends, employee engagement and trust go hand in hand. This insight article will explore ways of building trust, and consider what impact high-trust organizations have on their employee’s brain, and social and emotional wellbeing.

To learn more about how to trust yourself and build high-trust organizations let’s connect!

Complex Change & The Brain

Complex Change & The Brain

How can organizations create incentives to motivate effective change and transformation?

This infographic provides ideas for leaders on how to work with the natural thoughts, emotions, beliefs leaders and individuals normally experience during times of change.

For more tips and tricks on how to become a more mindful and emotionally intelligent leader sign up for a free consultation to learn more about EQ emotional intelligence assessments.

Neuroplasticity, the Science of Growth, and the Role of EQ in Leadership

Neuroplasticity, the Science of Growth, and the Role of EQ in Leadership

Chemistry creates and is structured by our behavior – which raises fascinating questions such as whether humans are in charge of our brain’s responses or whether the brain is in charge (2015).  This insight article explores how thinking is transformed and behavior change can and does occur all throughout life! 

The Basics - Executive Coaching Plain and Simple

The Basics - Executive Coaching Plain and Simple

This insight article focuses on answering some of the most common questions received from organizations, their boards, executives, Human Resource (HR) professionals, and sponsors who are interested in and seriously considering hiring an executive coach. It explains what executive coaching is, what to expect, what coaching is and isn’t, and more.

If you are curious about how to begin navigate to select “Let’s Connect” and schedule a 30 minute free “Coaching Intake Call” to learn more.

The Power of Self-Reflection

The Power of Self-Reflection

What is self-reflection?  Self-reflection is the process of thinking about one’s thoughts, investigating the truth and reality of the thought, understanding the internal cause and effect of certain thoughts – usually the unpleasant thoughts, judgements, feelings, interpretations – and going deeper into a new realm of curiosity of what life might be like without the story behind the original thought.  As one pair of researchers uncovered in their study with 442 executives where they asked leaders to ‘reflect on experiences that advanced their professional development and had the most impact on making them better leaders’…Bailey and Rehman found that they “would go so far as to argue that [self-reflection] is the foundation that all other soft skills grow from” (2017). 

Why Is My Change Initiative Failing?

Why Is My Change Initiative Failing?

Have you ever thought your project or projects could’ve been managed more effectively, or even abruptly ended a project thinking “There must be a better way”…. You’re not alone. This article will walk through some common themes and reasons transformations fail. It provides ideas and suggestions for how to problem solve and turn situations around.

Project failures might be the source of great water cooler gossip, but when you’re the executive whose change and transformation has failed, experienced false starts, or encountered resistance - change can become frustrating, anxiety provoking, and test and try your patience! For executive coaching on these topics, and/or assistance with change and transformation project-based initiatives visit and lets connect!

An Introduction to The Growth Model

An Introduction to The Growth Model

This insight article will provide you a quick glimpse into the Townsend Institute (TI) for Leadership and Counseling Competence & Character Growth Model. The growth model is the foundation by which leadership development, executive coaching, and other offerings are delivered to all CYP clients. The model is research-based and a proven and highly effective way to accomplish leadership development and growth.

Great organizations are run by high functioning leaders, who have put significant effort into professional and personal development. A leader is someone who influences and inspires others towards a common mission, vision, and set of goals. This insight article focuses on the four character structures within the growth model. The competence piece of the growth model will be covered in a future insight article blog post.

An Organizational Culture Analysis

An Organizational Culture Analysis

“Culture in general can be analyzed at several different levels, with the term ‘level’ meaning the degree to which the cultural phenomenon is visible to you as a participant or observer. These levels range from the very tangible, overt manifestations that you can see and feel to the deeply embedded unconscious, basic assumptions that we are defining as the essence of culture… In between these layers are various espoused beliefs, values, norms, and rules of behavior that members of the culture use as a way of depicting the culture to themselves and others.”

Schein, E. H., & Schein, P. (2017). Organizational Culture and Leadership. Wiley.

Unlocking Potential with the Emotional Quotient Inventory

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is collection of components comprising our emotional and social functioning and general psychological well-being. The most exciting thing about emotional intelligence is how it is not static! It is composed of 16 elements or ‘sub-scales’ that can change and be altered. EQ can be developed.

To learn more about your capacity for effectively recognizing and managing emotions and the emotions of others to enhance judgement, decision making, and more – book an EQ-i or EQ 360 appointment with an EQ certified coach.